Our story

Everyone has a story. You have a story, I have mine. When our stories collide they spark an epiphany, and there, our new story begins.

Tapestry is a colliding point which begins with an aroma. We hope to use coffee to ignite genuine communities and to share stories – stories that make us smile, make us cry, stories that inspire, and those that cogitate. Interlacing narratives weaves us together into a unique yet universal tapestry.

Transformation could take place as we share stories with one another. Our self becomes smaller, our perspectives becomes broader, and our relationships, deeper.

Our coffee has unique stories too. Take a sip, hear our story, and let us hear yours too.

What’s your story?

What if?

What if we are encouraged to share our past, our joys, our sorrows, our pains, and our hope? What if we can listen from one another and learn from those who are different from us? What if community means a connecting point where people are open to reveal their true colors and true stories? Story-telling humanizes our experience. It allows innovation, imagination, creativity, change, belonging and love to take place in the community. What if this can be done over a cup (or two) of coffee?

This is reason we desire to put story-sharing through coffee on the front burner. And our vision is not only to actively create a cozy and safe environment where story-sharing can take place, we hope to jump in the ring and organizing special gatherings and events – Coffee Talks – where true community happen. We hope to be the platform where all this can exist.